More than a Computer Lab – A Biblical Worldview

CVAI is not just setting up a computer lab at BCHS Njinikijem in Belo, Cameroon. We and our partners TEN3 are training the computer teacher and principal at the school to help students at this school use computers, and how to use them from a Biblical worldview.

I (Bob) sometimes get caught up in the nuts and bolts or should I say the mice and hard-drives of the project. It is much more than that. This next generation of Cameroonians has embraced cell phones and computer technology at fast pace.

Pray that as we set up the lab in July, we constantly think beyond the nuts and bolts and think about the students who will master the computer, rather than have the computer and the internet resources (in the future) as his or her master, like so many young people have in other cultures.

CVAI Appreciation Dinner for Supporters June 24 (photos)

We had a great turn out of CVAI board members, team members from previous years, and our prayer and financial supporters. The long term vision of CVAI as well as the plans for CVAI this summer were shared. These prayer points were shared for the upcoming trip (see separate post).

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General Prayer List for 2011 Cameroon Trip

At Baptist Comprehensive High School Njinikijem, Belo, Cameroon
Bob and Jayne’s trip to set up computer lab July 5-27
Getting donated computer items through customs on July 6
Cameroon staff training in Nigeria Aug. 7-21
Computer program starts in September
Pray for continuation towards the goal of a new Christian vocational school in Bamenda, Cameroon.

Computers Needed Now for July Trip

The request is simple, we want to carry five (5) used working computers (with flat screen monitors, mice, and keyboards): minimum of 512 KB of Ram, 20 GB hard drives to supplement the computers already in Cameroon. The units need to be small desktop units that will be packed in footlockers or suitcases and carried as baggage.

Thanks for considering donating your used computer for this worthy cause.

Technical Mission Trip in July!

Please pray for our technical mission trip. Bob and Jayne will be working in Cameroon from July 6 to 27.

Computer Teacher at Belo BCHS

Computer teacher at the Baptist High School 2010

CVAI (Comprehensive Vocational Academies International) is working with a Christian high school in Cameroon to establish a new computer lab and training program. Board members Jayne and Bob Dambman will be working with local people to: 1) refurbish and secure a classroom into a computer lab and storage room, 2) wire electrical and networking cables for lighting, computers and equipment, 3) troubleshoot/repair broken computers and install software. Most importantly we will be working side by side with Cameroonians to achieve these goals.

Due to tight time frames, were unable to gather a team (beyond ourselves) to join us for the trip. However, the Lord provided a Swiss missionary who is an IT specialist, and one or two Cameroonian computer technicians. This provision of team members already in Cameroon saves thousands of dollars in travel costs. Please pray for this three week trip that will make a great difference in the lives of the young people at Baptist Comprehensive High School, Njinikijem in Belo Cameroon, about one hour north of Bamenda.

Partnership with TEN3 Computer Education

CVAI is working with TEN3, Transformational Education Network, to train Cameroonian teachers to launch an Christian based computer program in at a high school Cameroon. To learn more about how African Christians are working towards transformational education, view the video below.

2010 Summer Team to Train Teachers – Install Library

August Trip Scheduled – Ethiopia and Cameroon

Team Members Bob, Jayne, Cathy, Sandra and Steve

Team Members Bob, Jayne, Cathy, Sandra and Steve

This August, CVAI is sponsoring an educators’ trip to Cameroon at the invitation of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Education Department. We will be leading the team of energetic teachers who have a variety of specialties. Our education certifications are elementary ed., library, reading, technology ed. computers, and social studies. The team will conclude the trip by conducting a weeklong workshop for Cameroonian teachers during their school vacation.

Expected trip itinerary:

· July 31-August 6, depart USA and travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to visit the exemplary Selam Technical & Vocational College, and do volunteer work with CVAI founding board members Les & Maxine Williams. Les & Maxine direct Hope for Youth Ethiopia, a ministry to street children.

· August 7-15, travel to Bamenda, Cameroon. Install a library at a local primary school in the village next to where the technical school is being built. Do repair work at school. (A fundraiser at Jayne’s elementary school provided funds for the elementary school. The books for the library were shipped in a container we sent last year.) Work at the Cameroon Baptist Comprehensive High School in nearby Belo upgrading their library and computer lab.

· August 16-21, conduct teacher-training workshops at Belo for the three Baptist high schools where some technical subjects are taught. We will be working towards CVAI’s mission through the training of technical/vocational educators in these high schools. This includes how to teach from a Biblical world view. We return to USA on August 22.

Prayer Items

· We are thankful for the opportunity to lead a team of five educators. Pray for our planning time and preparation for the teaching we will do.

· We are thankful to God for 10 years of friends and supporters of CVAI.

· Pray for funding sources to move the school construction forward.

CVAI has made a commitment to work towards providing young people with Christ-centered vocational and academic training in developing countries. In Cameroon we are working with the Cameroon Baptist Convention. We thank you for your commitment to pray for us, and support us.

In Colossians 3:23&24, the Apostle Paul writes: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (NIV)

We need your support

Please consider making a commitment both prayerfully and financially so we can lead this team. You can make a tax deductable donation towards our travel support to “CVAI” by check, or by credit card through our website

Container of Donated Supplies Shipped to Bamenda

Over the past winter, several churches, schools, and a local trade school completed a CVAI goal of providing materials to fill a 20-foot shipping container for our project in Cameroon. For several years CVAI has been collecting and storing donated textbooks from Thomson Publishers and Goodheart-Willcox. We also had a large donation of educational materials from K’NEX and Gibson Electronics.

In 2007, we received several thousand text and library books and some tools from the Episcopal Academy. We thought it was time to move ahead with a wider tool drive in the fall of 2008.

Mr. Jonathan Ramos of Philadelphia purchased a 20-foot shipping container and we were off and running. CVAI friends Dave McDowell and Alan Smith lead the tool drive. A school district donated 15 no longer used sewing machines. Several Presbyterian churches in the Philadelphia area, including New Life Glenside, New Life Philadelphia and Leverington all collected new and used hand tools. These ranged from old hand saws to table saws to a wheelbarrow and a generator. We had a very large donation of two large wooden crates of hand and power tools from the Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades in Media, PA. A small hardware store in Philadelphia that was going out of business donated many materials.

Container Loading Crew

Container Loading Crew

On March 26, about a dozen volunteers showed up in Glenside on a misty morning to transfer 15,000 pounds of materials from a storage container to the shipping container in an allotted 2 hour time period. A local beverage business donated a forklift and driver for that time period. We would not have made it without that help. The container was packed to the brim and sealed by noon for its journey to Newark, Europe and the Port of Douala, Cameroon. After some lengthy delays in the port, the container was safely delivered to Bamenda where it is under watchful eyes of the Cameroon Baptist Convention until the materials are used.

We want to thank the dozens of friends who made this project possible. It is not possible for me to mention all of those who contributed their finances or materials in this short article. Many of you who have contributed to CVAI helped pay for the shipping expenses and get these invaluable materials to Cameroon. We also want to thank New Life Thrift Store in Glenside for their generous grant to pay a significant portion of the shipping. Thank you to our supporters for making this happen.

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Cameroon Campaign

Download our full color booklet “The Cameroon Story: A Movement of God and learn about how you can support CVAI and become a Cameroon Campaign Team Member. If you are unable to download the booklet, Please request one by mail. Cameroon Story

August 2008 Visit to Bamenda

In August, Bob and Jayne Dambman spent over three weeks in Bamenda on behalf of CVAI. They were joined by engineer Phil Sollenberger for a portion of the time. There were several goals for the journey. 1. Measure the top portion of the land for a more accurate topographic plan. This is the portion of the land where the chapel/assembly building is to be located. 2. Determine the best water system for the site. 3. Establish a relationship with several new leaders in the Baptist church.

We were able to complete these three goals and a few other things as well. Phil worked especially hard during his 9 day stay. He climbed trees and waded in streams to get the most accurate information for the site. We now have accurate data for some plan revisions and a water system design.

In addition to the on site work, we did meet the new General Secretary of the Cameroon Baptist Convention, Rev. Donald Ndichafah, the new mission Field Director, Mr. Cal Hohn, and the new pastor of the church near the school site. We were also able to meet the President of the Rotary Club of Bamenda whom we may be able to partner with in the future.

A highlight of our trip was to see the gate house structure. It was a quality job and will serve the school well.

Thank you for your support of CVAI and our project in Cameroon.

Bob Dambman, Chairman