It was quite an exciting day today! It was a memorable day at the Baptist Comprehensive High School in Njinikejem, Cameroon. While the painters were painting the walls and putting the second coat on the ceiling, we carried the tables, CPUs, and monitors in a “parade” from the former computer lab to the freshly renovated computer classroom. Many staff from the school helped to carry the loads. Two Cameroon computer technicians attached all the cables and an electrician installed the voltage regulator. The electricity stayed on while we were setting up and the rains stayed away while we were carrying the hardware across the campus. Everyone is very, very happy and excited about this new computer program and lab that will be ready for students this September. It has been wonderful working alongside the Cameroonian educators and technical workers. The combination of their skills and resources and ours were a wonderful blend.
Before today, A team of three computer technicians were installing operating systems and educational software, performing repairs and were able to purchase 5 CPUs in the city of Bamenda, nearby. We had enough monitors, keyboards, and mice. We are are yet to set up a printer, scanner and projector.
On Tuesday July 26Â there will be a formal dedication of the lab. The principal and computer teacher will be traveling to Jos, Nigeria in early Aug. For TEN3 training in the new curriculum.Â
We are grateful for what has been accomplished so far and what will come in Sept. When school resumes. [flickr id=”5962155616″ thumbnail=”thumbnail” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”none”]
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